
Belize Executive Committee

Tanya Flowers-Gillett

Belize President Message

Brothers and sisters of BNTU Belize Branch, your executive, extend warm greetings and welcome our newly joined members to the branch. 

As we embark on another two years of service to our members, we want to say heartfelt thanks for believing in us and for providing the opportunity for us to serve you all as we build our branch to be outstanding! 

Despite the many challenges that we face daily, esteemed members, let us not waver in our faith or dwindle in our loyal service to our esteem union. Let me remind you that all things are possible with God and His grace is sufficient to sustain us. 

We will remain true to our motto: “Service, Security, and Success.” Your valuable time, talents, and treasures are not unnoticed but are deeply appreciated. 

Thanks for such service, as Aesop reminds us that in unity, there is strength! Let us all aim to become a unified group that will not be defeated!

