
The highest authority of the union is the Annual Convention ,followed under special emergency by the Special Conference whose representation would be made up in the proportion of one delegate for every ten regular bona fide members on its register; provided that no branch may have more than ten delegates to any such Conference.

Elections for the office of National President, 1st Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer are held every two years at the Annual Convention .These elections are conducted by popular vote of the members .

The next highest authority of the Union is the Council of Management made up of two delegates from each Branch Executive, along with the four nationally elected officers, and the Executive Secretary.

The Council of Management meets quarterly, or at such other times as the council may decide.

The other national executive officers of the Union including the 2nd Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Trustees (2) and Auditors (2), are elected from the Council of Management at its first meeting held at the beginning of the new School Year  (Presently September).

The Executive Secretary is the Chief Administrative Officer. He/She is appointed by a duly constituted authority/ committee of the Union
appointed by the Council of Management under terms and conditions agreed upon, between himself/herself and the Council or its authorized agencies.

The day to day of operation of the Union is carried out by the four national executive officers, along with the Executive Secretary and office staff who are paid, full-time employees of the union.
